800 Jobs

Jean Francois Millet, Becheurs, 1856

I’m applying for eight hundred jobs—including general inquiries for paid opportunities—in solidarity with my colleague, Susan, a Masters student in Electrical Engineering. For extra accountability, I’ll update this page as I complete and send applications.

Feel free to forward advice, listings, or encouragement to thelaboringheart@gmail.com!

1. Stick and Stone Farm, Farm Crew Member - no reply
2. Wegmans, Food Service Worker - application cancelled as I did not respond to the automated interview-scheduler fast enough
3. Ithaca Farmers Market, Zero Waste Project Assistant - zoom interview, “thank you for your candor,” decision pending
4. Home Depot, Customer Service/ Sales Associate - ‘conditionally hired,’ seemingly by AI as I’ve not had contact with any human being
5. Cornell, Temporary Grounds Worker - rejected outright